Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Creamy, stuffed peppers

Creamy? How can that be? I don't know, but my husband came up with a great Paleo recipe.

4 bell peppers, any color
1 onion

1 shallot
olive oil
4-6 little zucchini or other summer squash
1 lb ground meat (we used andouille sausage)
3 eggs

Cut the peppers in half and gut them. Slice zucchini. Chop the onion, shallots and any scraps of pepper finely. Saute the veggies in olive oil until good and soft. Add sausage, cook until brown and broken up. Add zucchini, stir in and cover to kind of steam the zucchini so it doesn't get mushy. While that is going on pre-heat to oven to 375 and boil the peppers for 1 minute.

Remove pan from heat and crack three eggs into the stuffing. Just mix the eggs right in, don't worry about mixing them up in another bowl before combining with the onions, sausage, etc. Stuff the peppers and bake about 18-20 minutes.

If you have leftover stuffing just put it in a little dish and bake it like this:

Somehow the eggs mixed with the grease from the sausage and the juice from the sauteed onions to make a creamy filling that held everything together. It was an amazing alternative to breadcrumbs and cheese. Flavorful sausage helped, so if you are using plain ground meat be sure to season in well.
Bon appetit!

I imagine this would work with any other veggie you had on hand-mushrooms, carrots, spinach, green beans, asparagus. You could play with the spices and herbs, do a Thanksgiving pepper with turkey sausage with sage and thyme. Lots of possibilities with this one!

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